Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lauren comes to Oxford!

Somehow, I tricked Lauren into driving to Oxford to visit for the LSU vs Ole Miss game! She got here Saturday and we went straight to the grove. It was almost game time and we decided not to buy tickets to go to the game, so we hung around the grove where no one cared in the least bit that there was a game going on!

Lauren was peer pressured into wearing a Colonel Reb tattoo. LSWho?

Later we went to South Depot Taco Shop, where we ran into this guy:

And then we ended up at the "freshman" bar Funky's - which is set up like a New Orleans's bar with lots of frozen drinks.. Can't say I'll go back, but it was tons of fun that night! Lauren has now been added to the best friend's who have visited us in Oxford list! The list is short, people- better start planning your trips up here!

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